Olympic Rings at the Tower Bridge

Sometimes you see them and sometimes you don’t…

You most likely have seen this image on TV or on the internet or – gasp – in a newspaper…

Actually, you probably have see the picture without me. LOL.

The Olympic Rings hanging from Tower Bridge. You may have seen them in the sunshine or lit up at night. And so have I. So yesterday I wanted to see them “live”.

Guess how confused I looked when I first glanced over Tower Bridge and saw this:

You can see the Tower Bridge in the background, but where are the Olympic Rings?

Looking at Tower Bridge from the Tower of London it looked like this:

Still no rings. Then I found them:

They were retracted under the Tower Bridge. Great view though looking up Tower Bridge and seeing the Olympic Rings. 🙂

I even found out why the Olympic Rings have been retracted. This is being done every time the Tower Bridge opens.

So, don’t be fooled into thinking the rings are there all the time. Sometimes you see them and sometimes you don’t…

Happy Olympics!

~ by Tatjana on August 1, 2012.

2 Responses to “Olympic Rings at the Tower Bridge”

  1. Love it! And you are beautiful!

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